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25amp Phase Sequence Corrector

Availability : In stock
Rs. 7500

This is a panel which performs vital functions related to three phase electrical supply. Maestro Phase sequence corrector isused widely for three phase electrical equipments at places where sometimes the phases (R-Y-B) are interchanged from the
electrical panel or the electrical board. Due to this problem many three phase equipments suffer faulty operation.

The power scanner in the PSC senses the changing of phases and indicates such failure. Then the contactor comesinto working and this device automatically corrects the sequence of the three phases with immediate effect in fraction of a
second, hence giving uninterrupted operation of the three phase equipments it has been applied on. These functions are indicated through LED indicators.

These heavy duty equipments comes with the wiring terminals so that its application is easy and hassle free. Theseequipments come in various ratings ranging from 25 Amp. to 800 Amp.


  • Three Phase Online Ups
  • Three Phase Air Conditioning Plants ( Ductable and Split Units)
  • CNC Machines
  • Critical Medical Equipments
  • Delicate IT Equipments
  • Offset Printing Machines
  • Tele Communication Systems
  • Escalators and Elevators
  • Defense Equipments