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Calcibless - Herbal Body Calcium Supplement

Availability : In stock
Rs. 210

Brings Calcium naturally!

Calcibless promotes stronger, healthier joints and bones. Its also promotes calcium store build up in the body and helps prevent osteoporosis. Calcibless delivers recommended daily allowance (RDA) for calcium.

Growing Years, Pregnancy & Lactation, Middle, old age, Osteoporosis & R. Arthritis.

Each 500 mg tablet contains:
  Kiratatikta Ghan   W.P   20 mg
  Muktashukti Bhasma*     100 mg
  Sh. Khatika Churna#     300 mg
  Amlaki Ghan   Fr   25 mg
  Guduchi Ghan   W.P   50 mg
  Povidone 30, Talc Mg. Sterate     Q.s.
  Ref.: * AFI Part 1 #Rasatarangini    

Dosage:1-2 Tablets twice in a day or as directed by physician

Presentation:Attractive pack of 3 strips of 10 tablets each